Herogasm Hedonism

Warning: Adult situations, NSFW! From the demented mind of Garth Ennis comes Herogasm!  A limited series spinoff of The Boys in which superheroes go on a sex & drug fueled vacation. Special thanks to Arion for these scans.

In order to become a member of The Seven, all applicant have to past a "test" (read: service the current members sexually). Homelander auditions Soldier Boy but unfortunately, he fails. Poor guy, maybe next year.

More Superhero debauchery NSFW!



Arion saidā€¦
Oh, it's great to see these. But I think I'd also enjoy being credited...

Just kidding, but if you have the time include my name somewhere.
Oops! Sorry about that. I'm kinda sleepy when I posted this update. Fixed now, you've been credited and linked.
Arion saidā€¦
I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention and I didn't notice my name at first because the other times you had it in yellow letters (linking it directly to my blog).

Sorry for these two unnecessary comments.
Actually, I just edited the post to include your link so your comments are not unnecessary at all! I cheated and fixed the post. XD
DAN saidā€¦
Well this is going all out! Never heard of this series before, I may have to check this wacky series out.
Arion saidā€¦
You should, it's very well written. And it's not only about sex, there are a lot of interesting things going on.
DAN saidā€¦
Yeah, I know, that Soldier Boy scene was way hilarious, and I do enjoy Ennis's writing with Preacher being my absolute favorite of his. :)
Arion saidā€¦
Ennis has never let me down.
And yes, that's a great scene, especially when Soldier Boy asks if there is something gay about what they have done and Homelander says No.
Yeah, I should really look into this comic more. Maybe they have more scenarios like this!