Assorted Nightwing Beefcake

Here are some old Nightiwng shirtless scans from early on in his ongoing series. Because what would a book starring Dick Grayson be without fanservice?

Changing into his costume while frolicking on rooftops in  Nightwing #19.

Hanging out shirtless in Nightwing #16.

Injured in Nightwing #23.

On the cover of Nightiwing #29.

Man-Bat shred's his costume on the cover of Nightwing #17.


Arion saidā€¦
Nightwing is a classic. And to think that Dan Didio wanted to kill the character...
I know, right? Killing Dick was a stupid idea. I'm glad that the writers talked Didio out of it.
Arion saidā€¦
Now if we could only a get a writer that wants to do a six issue arc of Nightwing naked...
DAN saidā€¦
Dick has thankfully survived due to his numerous fans both inside and outside the industry, I hope his new series features lots O' shirtlessness too!

And it would be nice if DC got off their lazy butts and started reprinting the older Nightwing TPBs or do a few big omnibuses or something.
Arion saidā€¦
Well said, Dan.
Oh, the new series should really have lots of beefcake. Almost all past writers who've handled Dick Grayson knows he's DC's top stud, I hope the new writer honors that tradition.