Melter in Bed

From the pages of Dark Reign: Young Avengers, comes Melter. The character was introduced in this limited series and is not affiliated with the villain Melter. So what are his powers? He melts stuff, duh! At least he looks good shirtless. Special thanks to Brooklyn for sharing this with us.


Icecypher said…
At first, I did not expect much from this mini, but the characters manage to be interesting.

Melter is a good example. There is a conflict between what he wants to be and his nature.

Also, his powers are really frightening. He can melt stuff. All kinds of stuff. Just like that.
I haven't read this mini yet but now I'm gonna! And for someone who has such a meh codename, Melter sounds like a pretty interesting character.
DAN said…
He looks so cute here! I love this anime influenced art.
Anonymous said…
Given the outfit the original Melter wore, the shirtlessness is definitely a good idea. (Though I loved the Marvel Handbook entry which went to great lengths to explain how the original used something like three different melting rays could affect metal, wood and flesh, melting them without heating them.)
That sounds like a fanwank explanation, icon-uk. I love that it's actually canon!