
Croup sent in some non-Grunge scans (don't worry, Grunge still appears in the last panel). It's Deathblow gone Rambo!

According to Croup:
I bring you Michael Cray, also known as Deathblow! Here in all his bare-chested glory as he appeared in the Fire From Heaven crossover event.


Unknown said…
Ha! That got a doubletake. Croup sending in non-Grunge scans is like me sending in non-DC scans.
Well, its set in the same universe as Gen 13, and Grunge does appear in the last panel, so I guess it can be considered pheripheral Grunge beefcake.

And you did send in one set of Marvel scans in the past, Ms. DC Fangirl! That was more surprising to me. ;)