Uncensored Nightwing & Starfire in Bed

Nightwing and Starfire in Bed is one of the most viewed posts on this site, so let us all revisit this panel from the Outsiders #28 with the original art which featured less blankets & more naked Dick & Kory


Anonymous said…
Not my favorite era for them. TPTB were pursuing this narrative that Dick had always been in love with Barbara and vice versa at the time. The problem is, Dick was 13 when he's met Babs, who is at least 7 years older than him, probably more like a decade. The other problem being, they diminish Dick and Kory to a couple hormone-addled kids, never mind that even before he was raped, casual sex disgusted him. (And we have conversations with Roy to prove my case, so, yeah, he's not lying to get laid or whatever.) Or that their first real fight was over how he felt about being the side guy in an arranged marriage.

But accidentally making the most powerful woman in the Justice League a child molester is still the funniest part to me.