
Here are some scans featuring (relatively) new Justice League member, GeoForce from Justice League America #05 (current series). Special thanks to Tim for these scans.

This is a message for Tim, everyone else, please ignore the following: Tim I've tried to get in touch with you a couple of times, please check your inbox.


Eric said…
Yet another comic I'll be giving a download. I'd love for them to eventually make a superhero that fights shirtless...

...I won't be holding my breath for it though.
There have been a couple of JLAers who's regular costumes include bare chests. Aquaman was shirtless for a while and Hawkman has always been shirtless.
My. Heart.

I love GeoForce since I first met him in "Crisis on Infinite Earths".

Please, I hope one day you get more images of him!
Anonymous said…
GeoForce was actually around before that. His sister is a rather infamous Teen Titans villain.

I like Terra's epitaph: "She was a Teen Titan." She betrayed us and nearly got us all killed, but Dick did pay her a few times, and no one can take that away from her.