Nightwing & Starfire in Bed... Again

One of the most viewed posts on this blog features Nightwing & Starfire in bed, so here they are again all post-coital like in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #39, in which Dick wakes from having a dream about having the hots for Raven. Awkward.

I love that DC Comics had the guts to show that they had a sexual relationship in bronze age of comics.


Midnight Jake said…
Ballsy indeed. Thank God Kori is so understanding. Any other girl would be kicking the crap out of poor Nightwing if he admitted that he'd been having dreams about making love to another woman
Anonymous said…
Early Dark Age. Seeing as the writer also started the Dark Age...
Anonymous said…
Of course, she later ENCOURAGES Raven to send him those dreams.

Dick's sex life is surprisingly consistent in one way. From the time Bette Kane first stole kisses from him all the way to Bea sleeping with him while he's brain-damaged and amnesiac, his consent is at best dubious.
Anonymous said…
I like how Kory spends all this time looking for a loophole. She'd make a fine lawyer.
Anonymous said…
She's understanding now, but in 1992 she'll blame him when he's raped. So will the other Titans.

So will Babs in 2004. Bruce won't even notice. (Tim and Alfred at least get something's wrong, and Tim has his own issues.)