The Flash: Wally West in Pajamas

In Flash Forward #4, the dimension hopping Wally West is reunited with his kids in another dimension. Nice PJs Wally!


Anonymous said…
I like how his kids wear Batgirl (or Catwoman?) and Green Lantern merchandise. (Wally could be a Blue Lantern, but in this day and age, it's red for him.)
I think the girl is just wearing a generic Cat pajamas, it looks furry. The boy is a straight up GL fan though. And of course Wally is wearing his own merchandise. lol
Anonymous said…
Too bad. A reference to the families Wally is often associated with by virtue of broship would've been cool.
Anonymous said…
Brett Booth draws sexy men and sexy makes sense booty
Anonymous said…
Yes. Wally West has always been one of the more fanservicey guys, but that may just be an original Titans thing.

Sadly, Wally won't dress appropriately for his new role as Doctor Manhattan. (Seriously. Guess DC decided to take the second fastest man alive, erase his heart condition, make him faster than his late uncle, and just went from there until now Wally is basically God.)
Icecypher said…
Nice chest (and nipples). Smooth chest, as Wally's should always be.

And I see a little armpit hair concealed in the shading lines.