Beast Boy in a Speedo

So Changeling aka Gar Logan (aka Beast Boy) gets seriously injured. What do his teammates do? They strip him to his underwear and place him in a glass display case, of course! Okay, so it was a "suspended animation chamber" that they borrowed from STAR Labs too keep him alive until they get him to Paradise Island. I don't really care about the in-universe explanation. I'm just glad we got some hairy green beefcake! Scans from New Teen Titans Vol. 1 #11


Icecypher saidā€¦
And he was around 16 at this time, right?

A shame! His face is so cute, but he was always the hairiest of all, even as a kid...
I like the body hair to be honest. Being covered in fur at such a young age makes him stand out.
LeaLB saidā€¦
His body hair is one of his best features. Honestly, I really don't get people who want men to look like prepubescent children. Men have body hair.
Anonymous saidā€¦
14 actually.
Anonymous saidā€¦
"Hippolyte". Her name is alpha-stem, not omicron-stem.