The Eagles of Rome

I was trying to decide whether to post these scans since they aren't from a superhero comic book, but what the hell, they're is so damn pretty, i had to post 'em! (Plus, I've already posted non-superhero stuff before).

These are from The Eagles of Rome Book I, an Italian graphic novel by Enrico Marini. It's about the friendship of a young roman emperor-to-be and a young barbarian. These scans feature some shirtless combat training sequences, in the rest of the book (especially Book II), the nudity is much more... adult. Still trying to decide if i should post them. What do you think?


Sidious said…
Heck yeah!
Show us some of the more naughty stuff! XD

I'm so glad to see you posting again by the way. ^__^
hey, sid! i knew you'd be for it! :)
Herry said…
Yes, YES more nudity!
ok, herry. i'll post the rest.
Lucas said…
How is that even a decision?! Lol.

So glad to see you back!
Eric said…
I'm going to have to look this book up...
The TPB is in Italian, but I was able to download a translated version.

To be honest, I haven't read it yet. I just focused on the pretty, pretty art.
Anonymous said…
please upload the book 2 and 3.I can't find a downloading site.all links dead.since you have all the books, can you upload them? thanks.
You can download 'em here:
Trajanovski said…
The above link is dead. Is there any possibility to share a working link for book III and IV? Thank You very much in advance.
Frater Gymnos said…
I'd be interested in that, too.
Eric Houstoun said…
where did you get this comic from? I can't find it anywhere!