Clothing Damaged Cyclops

Cyclops vs Storm! Well, Shadow King possessed Cyclops vis Storm to be precise. After the possessed Scott Summers defeats the X-Men, Storm is able to free him from the Shadow King with the help of Bast, the Panther god. Cyclops clothes gets damaged gradually until he's bare-chested. From X-Men: Worlds Apart #4.


Anonymous said…
Speaking of possession, have you seen the Titans live-action series?

Superboy's butt.
They do have Beast Boy (No, he's not Changeling. That's a dumb name, and a changeling is a cuckoo's egg for fairies.) naked, but Ryan Potter's penis is blurred out.
Dick is pretty much how he is in the comics.
It's fun to remind people that the old timeline HEAVILY implied Jason was a child prostitute.
In one very important way, Dick is more like the fan image than like canon. So far, he has two love interests. (Kory, and he apparently smashed Dawn while she was dating Hank?) He's also pseudo-dad to a bunch of scrappy little ragamuffins. (Obviously this is different from Wolfman-Pérez, where he was 19, and Gar and Jason are both 14. Here, Gar feels like a son and Jason like a brother.)
One more love interest: You know the subtext between Dick and Joey in the comics? It's poured on even more thick here. Dick almost comes off as a classic gay villain (It's been more PC to make them bi for decades.) who you can't possibly imagine as straight. (Basically Joey's in love with him and Dick uses this to strike at Joey's father before he terminates the rest of their group. Joey does protecting Dick from his father, but he possesses his father.)