Batman in Undies

Mikel Janin gave us some of the best Dick Grayson fanservice in years, not he's doing the same for Dick's mentor! Case in point, Bruce (and Selina) in boxer briefs in Batman #26!


Anonymous said…
Get rid of Selina and put some pretty hot Boi on that bed in a jockstrap and this would be perfect. Hot damn this drawing of Bruce in those square cut boxer briefs is well done, indeed. Yum!
Anonymous said…
I would disagree about Janin. I felt Dick got Liefelded. I also wish they let him use more skills than seduction. (Jason even says he's a shitty detective, while Steph OF ALL PEOPLE calls him impetuous.)

Thing is, Dick studied under Batman. Dick's the best tactician the heroes have, and has been a wunderkind wrt: both tactics (where Batman has acknowledged his superiority since Dick was 19) and politics since his teen years.

Also, Netz scares me, breaking up Apollo and the Midnighter for an ass joke seems petty, and, yeah, basically I can't help but think Grayson's audience was femdom fetishists and dudebros who needed an example to say "See? Guys are portrayed the same way."