Midnighter & Apollo Have Sex

The titular heroes getting it on in Midnighter & Apollo #1."nuff said!


Unknown saidā€¦
Those two are the definition of hot couple.
I was so happy when they resumed dating!!! And what a delicious sex scene!!!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hot succulent damn!

I'm outta the loop because it's been years since I've read comics. But a gay couple like these two, in a main stream comic book? It's about fuming time. We're here, we're queer, so get use to it.

And, I certainly wouldn't be in sandwich between these two studs.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Wildstorm began as an Image property which DC later bought. They're actually affectionate parodies of Bauman and Superman. With that Image touch (meaning they're antiheroes).

They actually were married in the Wildstorm timeline, but that was undone in New 52 just for a joke about Dick Grayson's ass. (Midnighter's apparently attracted to men who kill but feel bad about it later.)