Nude Agent 37 aka Dick Grayson

Another Grayson post? My Dick Grayson bias is showing again! I can't help it, he's my favorite DC character. And he seems to be shirtless a lot.

I really love this book. Not only does it have great art & an awesome secret agent plot, it also regularly delivers the beefcake! It's great that DC & the writers acknowledge Dick's status as "Mr. Fanservice" both in-story & in the fandom. Case in point, this great CFNM scene from the pages of Grayson #13!

Also, lets take a moment to appreciate at this issue's covers, shall we? The main cover shows Dick in bondage while the "Monsters of the Month" variant re-imagines him as a sexy sea creature!



I saw it. And of course I fainted on the spot.
Yeah, I really love this book. And the art! They make Dick (and Tiger and Midnighter and everyone else really) look so sexy!
Anonymous said…
This is hot but would've it killed them to put some body hair?

Not armpit hair or nothing? Weird.
robseasy said…
I agree about the armpit hair. Do Superheroes really shave under their arms? And you would have thought some super sexy chest hair wouldn't go amiss too. It's only recently Superman's hairy chest has been revealed. I would have thought Superboy in his later teens would have started sprouting too!
brettc1 said…
If this was a twenty five year old female character made to strip naked in front of two men, one of whom was fifty years old and whistling while he inspected her privates, there would be screaming, internet melting outrage. But if it's a guy, it's okay I guess...
Anonymous said…
The Flash does. That suit would change otherwise. I imagine Atlanteans are hairless.
Anonymous said…
You forgot raped by two different women. And his mind was invaded by Raven twice? Once accidentally and once it was Kory's idea as a joke. (Even Wally only had his mind invaded once. She went straight to homicide after that.)