Ultimate (Gay) Colossus
I love Marvel's Ultimate universe. not only does it update the origins of our favorite characters, or give a new take to his or her characterization, but in some cases they change one of the basic traits of the character. Case in point... ultimate Colossus is gay! Here he is in a flashback from Ultimate X-Men #94. His dad just caught him in bed with another dude! Kudos to Marvel for having the balls to allow this. The house of ideas has come a long way from the Jim Shooter/No Gay Heroes-era. And kudos to Paul as well, who sent in this scan.

Seriously, wtf Marvel? You can show 12 year olds post-coital and stripping, but don't you dare show the 30+ issue couple kissing after one thought the other was dead.
What exactly did I say in my post that was so intolerable. I don't think comics (the Ultimates line was created to introduce new younger readers to streamlined version Marvel's main properties) should feature naked twelve years fucking, regardless of their sexuality. Sorry for having an opinion that conflicts with yours, Mr.Stereotype.
Oh and also, you do know what they call people who only value their own opinions and the opinions of people who think like them, right? It's called a bigot and yes, even ignorant gays can be considered bigots.
I do not sensor comments in this blog. Let me educate you, my poor ignorant reader. This blog has "comment moderation" on. A feature of blogspot that has so that comments have to be approved. I use it mainly to reject spam and adds on this blog. I do not censor people's opinions.
The reason your comment did not appear right away is because I only check this blog once a day. Having a full time job and the demands of a social life prevents me from dedicating all my time to this blog. Believe it or not I am not online 24 hrs a day.
I hope you realize how silly your assumption is that I censored your comments were. I take no offense in your first comment, but I do not appreciate being called a bigot when you have absolutely no basis for calling me one.
So once again, I'm SO sorry that it took me a several hours to approve all the comments that you and other (awesome) people left. I'm sorry my laziness in checking the blog is hindering your freedom of expression.
Call me crazy.
Anyway, it's been a couple of years since I last read Ultimate, and I like the retcon from the little that I had read so far. Except maybe jean's short hair, bleh.
And...what? Is he really 12 years old in this context? Eh, no matter, I assumed he was my age anyway.
My previous comment (second one) was really refering to the fact that the crew is slightly more diverse.
I'm sure there's another less sexual scan somewhere which has evidence of Collosal's sexuality, but this picture happens to be the hottest. Heh.
I don't think 7 year olds would get the implication anyway, unless they picked the idea up from school or something.
b) By 12 year olds having sex, I was referring the Oh my God creepy Storm/Black Panther miniseries. I apologize for not making that clear.
Lurve your blog, sorry if I made you angry. I just thought...and um, and...oh, never mind.
*backs away awkwardly*
In the Ultimate time line, Colossus was 19 when he joined the X-Men (This was calculated because Cyclops starts off as 18, and Colossus claims to be a year older then Cyclops). Before that, he worked for the Russian Mob. He started with the mob when he left home, which happened because of this scan. So, using that logic, Colossus in the pic is at least 17 and more likely 18 years old (as he wasn't with the mob all that long).