The Man of Steel

Here's some old school scans from The Man of Steel limited series by John Byrne, the limited series that the rebooted Superman Post-Crisis.


DAN said…
Byrne drew my overall favorite depictions of both Superman & Captain America, just awesome!
Yeah, I also liked his Wonder Woman and there was a lot of shirtlessness in his X-Men run.
DAN said…
Yes, I love his X-Men, Fantastic Four, and She-Hulk too, but shockingly to even myself I really hated his tenure on Wonder Wonder. As a lifelong Wonder Woman fan I just don't think he wrote her character well and instead focused on her supporting cast more. Although he did originate Cassie as Wonder Girl, and I still like her!
DAN said…
I for real typed Wonder Wonder instead of Wonder Woman! Ha! LOL
Wonder Wonder! Ha! Actually, I've read very little of Perez's Wonder Woman run. I just liked the pretty, pretty art.
DAN said…
Perez's late 80's reboot of Wonder Woman is actually what got me hooked on her book, although I already liked her character from watching reruns of the 70's tv show.