Enslaved on the Planet of the Apes

Here's something for the S/M lovers out there. Blue Tyson recently brought this title to my attention, and I'm glad he did! Marvel's Adventures on the Planet of the Apes was an adaptation of the first two movies in the Apes franchise, published in 1974. In issue #8, the protagonist Brent and his mute companion Nova are captured and enslaved. Naturally, Brent changes his attire from modern astronaut duds to more acceptable slave wardrobe, a loincloth.


DAN said…
Slavery. Terrible in real life, but awesome in fiction as it usually leads to plenty of hotness and bondage as evidenced here! Those damn dirty apes! couldn't resist that... ;)
Damn them all to hell! lol, Real life slavery should be a thing of the past, its awful. Role playing and fictional slavery on the other hand... I like.