Assorted DC Men

Now for some DC scans courtesy of Brooklyn. The following pics feature Batman, Superman,  Flash, Green Lantern & Secret Six related eye candy!

Dick Grasyon in boxer briefs(!) and sporting a Bat scar in Batman #708. Oh dear, I hope that isn't permanent!

Guy Gardner in cute boxers in Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #01

Bart Allen (Kid Flash) after his bath! From Teen Titans Vol. 3 #83.

From Secret Six #23 (don't know who this dude is).

And last but certainnly not least, this awesome page from The Best of The Amazing Heroes - Swimsuit Special #1 featuring Jimmy Olsen (and Cat Grant).


Icecypher saidā€¦
Bart! Need halp toweling?

And did Jimmy's lotion bottle just cum?
DAN saidā€¦
Dick Grayson's so damn hot, it doesn't matter if he's scarred or not! (Just not the face, please.) Maybe if he has a permanent emblem like Superboy Prime he'll also have reason to be shirtless even more often! :)
Arion saidā€¦
That Jimmy Olsen image is classic, it's from the late 80s if I remember correctly. Jimmy used to have a crush on Cat Grant back in the day.
SallyP saidā€¦
Oh Guy. It's as though they drew that scene just for me.

@Cesar, this is a rare Bart beefcake shot. DC needs to give us more Kid Flash eye candyn

@DAN, Although I would love it if Dick starts wearing a costume that regularly bares his chest, I don't think its very practical since he's not indestructable like Superboy-Prime is. Then again, if Huntress can go galivanting around with a bare mindriff and hotpants, why can't Dick.

@Arion, I love the Jimmy Olsen pic too. He's oddly appealling, maybe I should look for more scans featuring Superman's pal.

@SallyP, I've always thought they did gratuitous butt shots because of your blog. And for that, we thank you!
Arion saidā€¦
I remember I was like 13 or 14 when I first saw that Jimmy Olsen image. Needless to say I found it really sexy (and not because of Cat's swimsuit!)