
Scans from a horrible miniseries called Trouble published by Marvel. Originally conceived as a prequel of sorts to the Spider-Man books, it's supposed to be a"romantic"story that tells how Ben, May, Richard and Mary Parker all hooked up. It was so universally despised that Marvel declared that it wasn't officially part of canon. The story might have been crap but Terry Dodson's art wasn't. Check out the young and hot Ben & Richard Parker.


Anonymous saidā€¦
Hey, it's Millar time.

Yeah, I don't get the point of reviving romance comics (which remain huge in Japan). Most Interregnum-era non-superhero genres (space opera, horror, chivalric romance, sword and sandal, jungle boys, planetary romance) have been revived...and assimilated into the superhero genre. Romance is a tougher but to crack, since it was tied to superheroes (issues of Lois Lane) but it seems more out of place. Plus, you have 50 pages, most of it illustration.