Obisidian & Boyfriend

It's the scene I've been waiting for since I started collecting comics. Two gay men in a loving relationship lounging around in bed. And there's nothing sleazy or comical about it!

These scans are from Manhunter # 19 (current series) featuring gay hero (and former villain) Obsidian aka Todd Rice (the brunette), and his boyfriend Damon Matthews (the blonde). Special thanks to Paul for sharing these awesome scans with us.

Edited on 01/04/18. Images replaced with better quality scans.


Anonymous saidā€¦
thank you! nice pics of Obsidian &good art work! to,hope to see more him&his cute I hope he gets his owe book soon,we NEED MORE GAY HEROES.
I really need to read this series! I've only read the last two issues, because of Manhunter's gay son and his boyfriend!