Robin, Ra's Al Ghul's Captive
You gotta love Ra's al Ghul. All the good "Demon's Head" stories involve him capturing a member of the Bat-family and stripping them to the waist. Thanks for bringing the eye candy, Ra's!
The latest Bat-Hunk to fall into his evil clutches is Tim Drake in the current "Ressurection of Ra's al Ghul" storyline featured in Batman and Batman-related books. Unfortunately, no shirtless fighting occurs as Timmy boy is only shirtless for a few precious panels.
The latest Bat-Hunk to fall into his evil clutches is Tim Drake in the current "Ressurection of Ra's al Ghul" storyline featured in Batman and Batman-related books. Unfortunately, no shirtless fighting occurs as Timmy boy is only shirtless for a few precious panels.
Tim has had relatively few bare-chested scenes, I hope in the future that he will follow the proud tradition of random shirtlessness that Batman and Nightwing have established ;)

samurai jack:
And thank you to the other Anonymous reader for informing me about Tims skinnage in Batman & Son