Robin, Ra's Al Ghul's Captive

You gotta love Ra's al Ghul. All the good "Demon's Head" stories involve him capturing a member of the Bat-family and stripping them to the waist. Thanks for bringing the eye candy, Ra's!

The latest Bat-Hunk to fall into his evil clutches is Tim Drake in the current "Ressurection of Ra's al Ghul" storyline featured in Batman and Batman-related books. Unfortunately, no shirtless fighting occurs as Timmy boy is only shirtless for a few precious panels.
Tim has had relatively few bare-chested scenes, I hope in the future that he will follow the proud tradition of random shirtlessness that Batman and Nightwing have established ;)


Gynocrat saidā€¦
Why is only shirtless when he's busting on wimpy women? I want him half-naked when he's getting pommeled by Artemis, or Wonder Girl, or Cassandra... :(
Oh, the idea of either of the Cassies giving Tim a shirtless beatdown is kinda hot!
Doyler saidā€¦
Woooo Hoooo, bring on the half nekkid Tim Drake! Lovin' it.

Anonymous saidā€¦
samurai jack:
Unfortunately, there isn't as much Tim skin out there as there is Dick & Bruce skin, but I'm determined to bring all known Tim Drake shirtlessness to y'all! Check out the archives to see past Tim scans.
Anonymous saidā€¦
There's also one in the Batman and Son series that you don't have. Tim is laying on a stretcher, half (or perhaps fully) naked with a sheet over his waist. This is after Damien attacked him and he lost a lot of blood. Dr. Alfred is attending to him. Not sure of the issue number, but I'll find it.
Thanks to the anonymous reader who posted the links to the samurai jack shirtlessness!

And thank you to the other Anonymous reader for informing me about Tims skinnage in Batman & Son
Poison Ivy saidā€¦
YAY! Timmy shirtless! sigh Why can't that boy be shirtless more? T-T
Anonymous saidā€¦
Fans fetishize him being a virgin, even if he slept with both Cassies at this point. (Admittedly, you have your choice of incest or sorta-necrophilia there, since chunks of Conner were all over the place. There's a reason Espanolbot says Tim has all kinds of weird fetishes.)