Dick Grayson, Male Model
During Bruce Jones' (thankfully) short run on Nightwing, he turned Dick into a male model. Makes sense right? His fanbase should be really happy, right? Well unfortunately this change in vocation also meant that he apparently also got the IQ of the average male model. Scans from Nightwing #119.
Edited on 5/28/2020. Images replaced with better quality scans.
Here's a bonus scan from Nightwing #138 that confirms what I've always suspected. Nightwing uses his ass to distract his enemies:

Unfortunately pretty much every writer of Dick has made him into a thoroughly unsympathetic character. At least they have avoided every attempt at marrying him off, unfortunately unlike most of the other original Teen Titans, who have been thoroughly ruined as characters.
He's hot, I think he should get more attention on his buns!
Its a shame Dick is (a) Batman now, his butt is always covered by the cape. Its gonna be a while before we see gratuitous ass shots. C'mon DC, give us Nightwing back!
Damn, you guys are right about the IQ thing!
Be aware, though, the main reason he can't marry or have kids is "Batman can't be a grandfather."
But seriously, there's a huge issue with Dick from the late 90s to the aughts. Much of his characterization in this time is based on stereotypes and fanfic, e.g. he's Roma because he worked in a circus as a kid, he once saw Batman as a potential lover because he somehow didn't know what a ward was.
TBH, even Marv Wolfman couldn't save Dick from that abysmal writing.