Hairy Robin (Dick Grayson)
When Robin (Dick Grayson) went from Boy Wonder to Teen Wonder, I always wondered if he started shaving his body hair to look good in those teeny, tiny short pants he wore. Ian Churchill answered this question for us. In a flashback sequence in the Titans East Special, it seems Dickie boy forgot to shave before donning his skimpy costume. This has to be the sexiest "Classic Robin" depiction since George Perez's run in The New Teen Titans! Special thanks to Eric of Just Beautiful Men for sharing these scans.

And to make this post within topic for this blog (it is called Shirtless Superheroes after all), here's Dick shirtless in bed. Again! From Nightwing #4 (regular series).

stevrm, the artist who drew that was Scott McDaniel. He had a lengthy run in the Nightwing monthly series. At first I didn't like his art, it was too stylized for my taste. But then he drew a shirtless Tim Drake (I'm so shallow) and since then I've grown to appreciate his dynamic art style.