Savage Hawkman Hotness

Joe Bennett draws the hottest Hawkman ever! Here are some scans from his first issue, The Savage Hawkman #9. Look at the lovely detail on the muscles & the nth metal, such a stark contrast to Rob Liefeld's cover art for the same issue. I liked this so much I made it the new blog banner.



DAN saidā€¦
HUBBA HUBBA! DROOL! Now that's how to draw a man, can't wait the the TPB of Bennett's issues to come out this summer! Gorgeous! XD
Anonymous saidā€¦
I completely agree amazing artwork so sexxxy! This is my favorite artist of the New 52 this guy and the one who did Red Hood & the Outlaws who unfortunately left but is now doing Superman. BTW AWESOME BLOG!!! Been following for ages but this my first comment. I check for updates everyday. Keep it up. Thanks for bringing the beefcake.
DAN, I'm looking forward to that TBP too especially since Savage Hawkman is gonna be cancelled as of issue #20. :(

Anonymous, thanks for the your kind words. Really means a lot. I'm gonna try to post more often. I love sharing the eye candy. :)

dabigdikdangler saidā€¦
That art is awesome! *goes to buy Hawkman #9*