Gambit Eye Candy

Good news, Gambit has an ongoing series again! And they are totally taking advantage of his reputation as Mr Fanservice, he's been in some state of undress in almost all of the issues thus far.

The first issue begins with him in the shower and ends with him in his underwear! I can almost hear the Gambit fangirls squeeing as they read this.


DAN saidā€¦
I miss Gambit looking all scruffy and furry, what a waste if he looks too clean cut like this in every issue, I think a change in artist is in order. Attractive but just not Gambit enough. :(
I agree, to a certain extent. I miss the stubble but I really don't mind the lack of body hair. And at least they got rid of the pink costume. lol
Arion saidā€¦
Damn it, I knew I should have bought this new Gambit series.
Icecypher saidā€¦
Apparently, the artist acknowedges Gambit's chest hair, but simply does not portray it. Look at the close up. The hair is there.