Mass Effect 3: Renagade Shepard & Steve Cortez Post Gay Sex
Time of some more Mass Efffect 3 beefcake. In this installment of the franchise, Male Shepard is apparently bisexual and has 2 possible gay romance options and its about damn time, Female Shepard (affectionately known in fandom as FemShep) has been bi since the first game.
I've already posted Shepard & Kaidan's love scene, now here are some caps featuring the Commander & Lt. Steve Cortez, a new character who serves as a pilot on the Normandy. Cortez his gay, he had a husband & everything.
The Shepard/Cortez love scene is not as hot as the one featuring Shepard/Kaidan. We don't see them tumbling around the sheets, no affectionate touching, they even cut away just as they are about to kiss. We only see them after they've done the deed, all cuddly in Shepard's bed.
Also to change things up, these caps feature Renegade Shepard in all his glowy face glory, as opposed to the regular Paragon Shepard.

(Note to self, create screencaps of Shapard having inter-species sex)/