Classic Spider-Man Shower Scene

Here a classic bit of beefcake from Amazing Spider-Man # 239 featuring peter stripping off, taking a shower & then lounging about in nothing but a towel. These scans were brought to you by Brendan, check out his awesome blog:


DAN saidā€¦
Sexy, this era of Spidey really needs collected lovin', Marvel needs to omnibus the Stern/Romita Jr. era of ASM like yesterday!
Coonfoot saidā€¦
Speaking of Spider-Man, there's been a number of nice shirtless scenes in the animated Ultimate Spider-Man series. I know the series itself has gotten a mixed reaction from fans, but those scenes are worth making posts out of. I already have some screenshots I can send you of those scenes!
DAN, Agreed. They should Omnibus all the Amazing Spider-Man issues, really. He's a popular character, I think there will be a market for it.

Coonfoot, yeah I'm one of those fans who got put off by very light tone of USM, but I probably should give it another change, and not let my expectations get in the way of my enjoyment. And even if I don't enjoy it, at least I can great screencaps for the blog! BTW, your blogs are awesome. I'm gonna link to them.
Anonymous saidā€¦
one of my fave spidey pages for several decades! ;)
Icecypher saidā€¦
After all the bad talk about the statue of MJ washing the costume in a sexy pose, we can see that is the way the Parkers do it.

And Peter in nothing but a towel.

Seriously, see how he throws his hips up.