More Warlord of Mars
More Barsoomian beefcake! These scans are from Warlord of Mars #4 in which our hunky hero finally gets some decent clothes! Well, decent by Barsoom standards that is. Its basically a red speedo with a lot of accessories.
The three variant covers:
Bonus: Here's the teaser poster from Pixar's upcoming epic, John Carter (formerly John Carter of Mars). It shows very little info about the movie, but at least we got to see a bare-chested Taylor Kitsch. I can't wait to see his whole outfit. I hope it's sufficiently skimpy.
From now on I'm not even going to worry about the movie's quality (because let's be honest, even if it turns out to be crap, I'm still gonna see it), I'm just happy that we don't have to wait until summer 2012 to see it. That means we don't have to wait long to see Taylor in a speedo, swinging his sword!