Captain Marvel Gets a Tattoo

Yeah, that's right, All-American, boy next door Freddy Freeman is getting a tattoo! And from a seemingly gigantic woman. But before you get all outraged about it, he actually has a good reason for getting  inked. It a "magical" tattoo that will protect him in his trials. From Trials of Shazam #3.


DAN said…
What's the world coming to? Even a classic character like Captain Marvel is being drawn with bad tattoos now! :(
Arion said…
But at least he's shirtless, so we can be thankful for that, right?
That right. And at least he had his own limited series back then. We should be thankful for that as well since it's probably gonna be a while before we see Freddie again because DC's relaunch in September features no Marvel Family characters. :(
Icecypher said…
This is still Cap Junior, isn't he?

I do not know if he ever graduated and took Billy's place...
Yes Freddie did graduate and become Captain Marvel, red costume and all. Meanwhile Billy replaced the late wizard Shazaam and became "Marvel", keeper of the Rock of Eternity.
Icecypher said…
I did see Billy in that cave with the seven sins during Countdown, I think, or 52... But I did not know what was going with Freddie. Those series were more about Black Adam, Isis and Osiris.
steverm said…
REAL nice nipple lighting on that first panel: no actual aureole or other detail except for the hint of a circular or puffy rise, based on the light hitting it. REAL REAL sweet.
Icecypher said…
I know Freddie's got problems with his legs, but I did not know he could not take his own shirt off without help...