
These scans are not safe for work! Terry sent us these scans from Avatar Press' Caligula and like all current Avatar Press titles (it seems to me) is filled with blood, gore and sex. Thankfully Terry spared us the gore only sent in the sexy parts. Warning: the following scans are filled with the decadent debauchery you'd expect from ancient Rome so click at your own risk.

Edited 05-19-11: to remove possible minor characters in adult situations. As requested by Terry. Good catch, mate!


Arion said…
It's funny but I've actually pre-ordered the first 3 issues of Caligual.
@Arion, that's great. It's always good to support publishers other than DC & Marvel, though I must say I'm quite surprised that Avatar Press's titles nowadays seem to be filled with sex and gore. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Arion said…
Oh yes, most of the stuff I buy comes from other publishers. I still buy a few Marvel titles, though.
I guess since I'm writing and drawing my own comics for an indy publisher I think it's only fair to support independent creators.