Brooklyn shares with us scans from Red Hood: The Lost Days #1 in which a shirtless Jason Todd wipes the floor with some League of Shadows ninjas and looks good while doing it. When did Jason get so hot?
Jason's always been hot, but he doesn't look very hot here...
Oh well, at least they brought him back. He was completely dicked in Crisis and then double-dicked by Batman readers shortly afterwards. The fact that he's back and some of them are up in arms is balm for my soul...possibly the only good thing Judd Winick has ever done in his life, in terms of writing.
I must confess, I'm one of those fans who feel that Jason should have stayed dead, not because I don't like him or because I hate the incredibly lame way he was brought back (Superboy-Primes' cosmic punch!). His death was one of the most defining moments in Bruce Wayne's life, second only to his parent's murder. Jason's death was Batman's biggest failure, it haunts him. I feel that ressurecting Jason sort of cheapens that and is a disservice to the Batman character.
Oh well, at least they brought him back. He was completely dicked in Crisis and then double-dicked by Batman readers shortly afterwards. The fact that he's back and some of them are up in arms is balm for my soul...possibly the only good thing Judd Winick has ever done in his life, in terms of writing.