Hal Jordan, Pre-Parallax

In Green Lantern Vol. 3 #55, Allan Scott visits the newly minted last Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner and gives him a history lesson about the GL Corps, one page features a very nice rendition of Hal Jordan as he appeared just before he changed to his Parallax outfit, ripped costume and all!
Edited on 5/14/2021: Image replaced 


SallyP saidā€¦
That is such a lovely rendition of Hal with his costume all torn, and displaying his finest feature to the world.
@SallyP, I had your blog in mind when I posted this!
Let me die in that Hal's bum, please!!!

Anonymous saidā€¦
I'd say leaving them in a vacuum without their powers, they all died.
Anonymous saidā€¦
You name the time. Wait, time? There is no time. Your time, my time, all time is over.