Shirtless Spider-Man Strikes

Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes #2 features a post-coital shirtless Peter Parker.


Icecypher said…
While I would totally prefer Peter to be naturally and completely smooth-chested, I suppose probability says it is more likely that he does have at least some chest hair.

If so, this amount is way more acceptable than the one drawn by Erik Larsen whenever he fantisizes about being the heroes he draws.
My stance on body hair usually depends per character. For example, Wolverine, Batman? Must be hairy. Spider-Man, Superboy, Nightwing? Must be smooth. Cyclops, Gambit, can go either way.

BTW what's up wirh Erik Larsen?
Anonymous said…
It also depends on the costume. If it's tight, hair chafes. So, there's your Flashes.

But then, I remember when artists didn't bother except for a few notable exceptions.
Icecypher said…
I always got the impression Mr. Larsen needed to see himself as the physically impressive heroes, so, instead of putting the work to look like them, he does the opposite and makes them look like him.

That is, he adds HIS body hair to the characters. He cannot make them all bald (like Bendis does to the characters he works with), but he could design the Savage Dragon as what I bet is the image he has of himself.

I do not mind what he does with his dragon, but I hate it when he touches Spider-Man or other characters that are not his.
Anonymous said…
I don't get it with the Savage Dragon, who is clearly not a mammal.
Icecypher said…
I don't mind it as much, as I think he sees comics as a place where imagination can run wild and it can be allowed, at least in some genres.

I also like Anole having eyebrows even though he looks like a lizard (although he IS a mammal, as he is a human mutant), and I like lizard or bird-based humanoids females to have human-like breasts.

But I do think it is intriguing to see how much he may actually see himself in the Dragon. (I may be totally off, but I really think I am correct.)