Nightwing Shirtless & Injured

Travis Moore draws one hot Dick Grayson. Look how pretty he is in the last pages of Prelude to the Wedding: Nightwing vs Hush #1.

Bonus: Textless version of the panel above


Dick is such a handsome man, but in those pages he is more than gorgeous!!!
Yeah, Travis Moore draws some beautiful dudes.
Jay, did you see Batmanā€™s penis and glutes (and bulge) in DC Black Label "Batman: Damned" No. 1?

There's more Bat nudity (front and rear) in the book: (penis censored here, sorry)
Also see Nightwing 50 (2018) for more Travis Moore's half-naked/shaved hair/scruffy Dick in briefs:

(see other pages for more too)
Zach saidā€¦
"Is he okay, Bruce? Because, you know, I could stick around and 'dote' on him some more. I REALLY wouldn't mind." ;)