Spider-Man: Naked in New York

Peter Parker's back y'all! Well he's back in his own body after Dr. Octopus took it over when Peter died (long story). Anyway he's back... is wearing nothing but his mask & webbed underwear!

In Amazing Spider-Man #1, Gypsy Moth, a member of The Menagerie, uses her cool powers to unweave Spidey's costume. Can she please do that to all superheroes?


Icecypher said…
I want them to publish those first few pics before he reacted!

Also, the pic from when he is climbing the glass and (almost) everyone is "eww".
I hated those reactions! Don't they know how hot Spidey is?!
Sidious said…
OK, who at Marvel read my "Prancing Pervert Pants Free" Spidey story?
Cause that's the only explanation for this!
Not that I'm complaining.
As a matter of fact I'm currently rolling around and giggling!
Love this! XD
Hi Sid! Nice to hear from you again. I need to check out your Spidey story. :)
Anonymous said…
But wait doesn't the world already know who he is from the civil war unmasking
Mik said…
the naked pictures need to come out! LOL before he realized he was butt naked and saw himself naked
dave said…
Yay, more public embarrassment nudity (my fave!). Gotta love a villain whose powers so readily facilitate unraveling a hero's costume and leaving him naked. Nice closeup of the costume unraveling from Peter's feet baring his toes (yes, I have a foot fetish too - I have so many I've lost count).