Ares & Probos in Elysium

In secret Warriors #22, the recently deceased Probos, a member of Nick Fury's Secret Warriors, is reunited with his father Ares in Elysium. Going shirtless is apparently the norm in the afterlife, though Ares should totally manscape his back hair. Just sayin'.


DAN saidā€¦
This artist has some problems, how does Ares have MORE back hair than chest hair!?! I've NEVER seen a guy with more back hair than anywhere else. Seriously. :(
I know, right? Weird body hair distribution. Chest hair? Sexy. Back hair? Not so much. :)
Icecypher saidā€¦
Just a little something. Alex's god name (and codename) is "Phobos" (the God of Fear), not "Probos".