Red Arrow & Static

Here are a couple of scans featuring two generations of Titans courtesy of Terry.

First up, we have Roy Harper aka Red Arrow, fighting crime bare-chested.

Next: Naked Static!

And as a bonus, Tribal44 also sent in this gratuitous Nightwing butt shot from Secret Six #9.


Anonymous saidā€¦
Nightwing butt shot... nice...
steverm saidā€¦
WOW who knew Red Arrow was such a major league hunk. HUGE nipples too. AMAZING!
Anonymous saidā€¦
In the words of Nicola Scott and Gail Simone, the artist and writer on that story, there is no such thing as a "gratuitous" Nightwing butt shot, they are ALL essential to the plot, thank heavens.
That's precious! I've got to find the exact quote now and post it on the blog.

It's a shame that that ass is now covered with a cape.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I believe Gail used it on her Twitter feed, so happy hunting for that, I don't tweet so have no idea how to go looking for it. I believe the phrase (from some time in late 2009 or early-ish 2010) was

"There is no such thing as a gratuitous Nightwing buttshot. They are all essential to the story. ESSENTIAL."