Ant-Man II in a Towel

Hello, beefcake-lovin' fanboys and fangirls! Sorry about the lack of updates, but now I'm back and ready to resume your regularly scheduled dose of shirtless superhero images. I'd like to thank all the wonderful contributors who've been emailing me some grate scans. Watch out for them in the coming weeks.

First off, here's Ant-Man II, looking hot and hairy after a shower. This scan is brought to you by Dermie.

According to him:
Here is a scan from FANTASTIC FOUR #394, with Ant-Man (Scott Lang) rushing out of the shower to answer the phone. The colourist seems to have gotten his Ant-Men confused, giving the Scott blond hair (like Hank Pym) instead of red. Ooops.


Anonymous saidā€¦
Where does Ben, who hardly ever wears a shirt, get off telling someone to put on some clothes? XD

Mmm, blonde hair and black body hair. Hot!
Think Ben is just jealous because Scottie is a hottie and Benjie is a nottie!