
Robin stumbles upon Oracle's live video feed from Nightwing's apartment. All I can say is "Go Babs!" If I had the kind of resources she does, I would totally have cameras on Dick all the time! I'm such a perv. Special thanks to Vespa331 for sharing this scan with us.


Stephen R. said…
What could possibly be better than GRAYSONCAM? Not a damn thing!!!!
Anonymous said…
nice pics of nightstud! ouh mm nightwing.
Unknown said…
Heh, I was just talking about Graysoncam with my fangirl friend yesterday. Man, I must've sent that in ages ago, I don't even remember emailing it. Comics this month were loaded with shirtlessness (and I'm finally reading Countdown, which has a disturbing amount of shirtless Jimmy), so if you're running low... ;)
Anonymous said…
What issue is this from?
I knew you guys would like this one!

Anonymous guy, I don't know where is was scanned from, Rachel can you please inform us? Thanks, and of course any new beefcake is welcome!
Tony Z™ said…

I dunno...Tim seems to be enjoying the Graysoncam just a little too much.

Your right Tony, he probably asked Babs if he can subscribe!
Paul said…
I find myself very jealous of Babs right now.
Babs, you and I are all pervs. LOL