Shirtless Steve Trevor & Seigfried

Wonder Woman's boyfriend & 2/3 of the Wonder Trouple (allegedly!) Seigfried & Steve Trevor suffer from some clothing damage in Wonder Woman #795 & 796. I miss them so much.


My fathers Steve and Siggy!!!! I can't accept that the current WW run is ignoring Siggy, and by extension, his bro-love with Steve. This hurts me so much!!!!
Please put Zeus on the labels too; you need to see him in the current Shazam run (he, Hercules and Atlas are always half-naked there).
Hey Fabio! Good news! Siggy is back, in Power Girl #12 of all places. I would still prefer it if he reunited with Steve & Diana though. And thanks about Shazam, Imma check it out!
Yep, I've seen him there in PG. <3<3<3<3<3