Shirtless Batman in the Desert

In Batman #74, a bare-chested Bruce Wayne sans his Batman costume except for this cowl, teams up with his dad, Thomas who also Batman now, but much more hardcore. Yeah, I'm confused too. Let's just enjoy the beefcake.


Anonymous said…
Harley Quinn cartoon had shots of Maxie Zeus's butt not really hidden by a skirt.
Anonymous said…
Alternate timeline: Bruce does instead of his parents. Thomas becomes an antihero Bats, and Martha becomes the Joker.

In another, the Waynes don't die at all. Penguin is POTUS, Ra's controls Europe, and Dick Grayson, who should be a homeless kid or Talon in this timeline, is somehow Batman. But without Bruce's teachings, the Titans' friendship, Barb and Kory's love, responsibility for Tim and Dami, or negative role models like Deathstroke and Valley, DickBats is...Valley. Or Jason. I mean, Dick is pretty dark already, he's just able to resist it, which is why everybody, even people like Deathstroke and Simon Hurt, likes the kid. Why he is the contingency plan. But he could've easily been another cliché antihero. (In fact, in his origin story, he is an antihero.)