He-Man & Triclops

Time for some Eterian beefcake! Robert noticed that there aren't any posts featuring any Masters of the Universe characters (which is filled with well muscled hunks), so he sent us some images featuring the main stud himself, He-Man and baddie Triclops in animated, live action and toy form!


DAN said…
Ah! He-Man, a childhood favorite! Definitely can't forget about him...:) Wonder if they'll ever make a good movie out of him! Dolph Lundgren was hot and all in the 80's movie but it's pretty embarrassingly bad otherwise.
Hi, DAN. Yeah, the 80's movie was just silly but kinda fun too. Courtney Cox looked adorable in it. Joel Silver is supposed to be producing a new MOTU movie but that project seems to be stuck in development hell.

I liked the recent animated series (He-Man actually had nipples!). I was bummed when it was cancelled after 2 seasons. We didn't even get to see She-Ra.
DAN said…
Most people forget about She-Ra but she was really awesome too, definitely hoped to see a revival of her show. :(
Agree with you about all of your nipple comments on the blog: men need nipples! LOL, although Alan Davis draws men so attractive I guess he can be forgiven for no nipples!
Oh, I agree Alan Davis draws pretty people! men & women. His Captain Britain looks awesome, especially when he remembers to draw his nipples. :)

I must confess, I actually watched She-Ra more regularly when I was a kid since I was too young when MOTU was on the air, it was her show that introduced me to this franchise.
DAN said…
MMMM...Captain Britain! Squee! Always loved how he was consistently shirtless or almost naked (mostly due to the wondrous Alan Davis), and he's also been in alot of good stories as well. Gotta love heroes who can be enjoyed for both their sex appeal AND adventures!

She-Ra really needs a revival cartoon or movie though, she has too much potential to be wasted in limbo.
Yeah, I love that Cap Britain is habitually shirtless under Davis' pen. He seems to draw a lot of shirtless men & and a lot of scantily clad women! I agree with you when you said that he gives his characters sex appeal. Thank you for the fan service, Mr. Davis! ;)
DAN said…
Alan Davis definitely loves to show off his apparent love of human anatomy and he's excellent at drawing it! It's just unfortunate that now that he's older his work output has decreased to covers and the occasional mini-series or one-shot. I wish he could or would return to doing a regular monthly series. A revival of Captain Britain, Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell, Genis-Vell, or both), or Excalibur with Alan as writer & artist would be fantastic! :)
That'd be awesome, but alas it seems that the older comic book artists are getting less and less work these days, whether is by choice or not, I think its a shame.
Hushicho said…
I always found Tri-Klops to be super-hot! This is a great post.

Unfortunately it's true, a lot of the older artists aren't working with Marvel and DC, but most of them who want work get it, just not with the 'big two'...who have gone primarily to mega-ugly styles and overdone computer colour. A pity.
Glad you liked it, Hushicho. We have Robert to thank for sending in these images.

Yeah, it's a pity that some legendary artists don't work for Marvel or DC anymore. But on the bright side, at least some of them are able to revive some of the non-"big two" titles they've created, like John Byrne's Next Men & Mike Grell's Jon Sable.